The Reflective Freemason Journal
The Reflective Freemason is the first known journal of its kind. It has been designed to help guide, prompt, and enhance the initiates journey through the first three degrees of Blue Lodge, without giving any of the important stuff away.
It is important to note that at no point are brethren prompted to reveal any secrets or sensitive information in their journals, but rather record what the experience has meant to them along the way. This will allow them to reflect and analyze the meaning of the Craft in a more clear and understandable way.
These journals make a great gift, and are even more meaningful if gifted to a candidate on the night of his initiation by the Worshipful Master, or the candidate's sponsor.
The 139 page journal prompts writing in the following areas:
- How To Use This Journal
- Prior to Initiation
- EA Degree
- FC Degree
- MM Degree
- Visiting
- At Installation
- The Festive Board
- Masonry in the Community
- A Year In The Craft
-Taking My First Chair
...And More!
Size: 6'x9' (US Trade Size)
Developed & Written by W. Bro. Don Kemball FCF
Forward by W. Bro. Daniel Molina
Published by The First Three Knocks